World of Darkness: Original

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Main Page

Current Timelines

Brenda, Hayley, Jason & Brian (Rome - March - 1095) / Morgan (Alternis - January 1096) / Bruce (Paris - April 1900) / Keith (Detroit - June 2003)


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"What horror have the Methuselahs wrought? What grotesque affairs of terror and destruction have they birthed upon this planet?"

"Their cruelty and depravity are legendary, and none can match them for atrocities - and then there is the Black Hand."

"Defender of right, servant of the clan sires and instrument of justice, the Hand plays a central role in the World of Darkness."

"Far more than the assassins of the Sabbat, the Hand plays its part with all the considerable skill an ancient society can muster."

Daily Quote

Friday - June 1st, 2018

"For he being dead, with him is beauty slain,"
"And, beauty dead, black chaos comes again."
-- Venus and Adonis (1593), line 1,019.


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Quote: The face was no longer bone, but animal - the face of a white wolf.
"I forbid you nothing. Nothing," uttered the awful face.
"You may go anywhere - you may open any door. But, little bird, remember you must be prepared to accept whatever you find." The long jaws spread in a smile filled with teeth.

- Peter Straub, Shadowland

Art of Vampire

Vampiric ménage à trois.jpg


Sanctum of blood magic.jpg

Quote: The face was no longer bone, but animal - the face of a white wolf.
"I forbid you nothing. Nothing," uttered the awful face.
"You may go anywhere - you may open any door. But, little bird, remember you must be prepared to accept whatever you find." The long jaws spread in a smile filled with teeth.

- Peter Straub, Shadowland