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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

Giulia-The Bearded Lady.jpg

Sobriquet: Guilia

Appearance: A rather tall woman, whose dark hair grows on her face as well as the rest of her head. Deep pools of brown reside in her eyes. Her smile is open and genuine. Other than the extra hair Giulia is a beautiful specimen of womanhood. Those who look carefully can tell she has been a mother at one time.

Behavior: Giulia loves to talk to everyone. Actually she just loves to talk. Her open charisma make her a likely person that others open up to, so in her way she is able to garner a surprising amount of information. While Giulia tries to hide it, somebody is pushing her to ask difficult questions.

History: Giulia was born the daughter of a cooper, one of seven. As she was pleasing of face, the local Equstrian wanted her for household help. She spent her days and nights working for the family from the early age of nine. A comely girl, as soon as she began to blossom the men began to talk to her differently. Giulia tried to stay the good daughter, and so pushed most of them away. The oldest son of her employer became fascinated with her, and began trying to bed her.

Audmila Vespicus was his mother, who did not approve. In the fashion of mothers all over, she was convinced the young girl was just trying to better her station. The mother had her whipped and told to stay away from her son. Message received, the girl stayed away from the boy. When the tax collector Hector Teronvitics came to their house, he could see no one else. With some bribery and bluster, Teronvitics purchased her contract.

The young Giulia was terrified of moving houses. At first all seemed well, and the girl settled in her new home easily. The other servant girls warned her of the new masters temper. After an especially rambunctious festival, Teronvitics fell on the girl and left her with child. A good upstanding man, he provided for her, and even claimed the child, though he refused to wed her.

After the boy was born, life returned to normal for Giulia. She learned house politics and how things might effect her young boy. Becoming very adept at it, she managed to know when to hide to avoid Teronvitics temper. At the age of four the boy fell ill and died of cholera. Deeply shaken by the loss of his son, Teronvitics started to beat her. Giulia pulled a knife and threatened him, stopping his advance. She then told him she had enough information hidden away that should she die, he would be disgraced, and driven from polite society as well.

Gathering some things she fled the house, and ran for days. Early the next day she had become aware that thugs of Teronvitics were searching for her. Giulia knew she was in danger and hid. On the road she met the Pageant, and asked them to hide her. Polyphonte granted her wish, and Giulia became the bearded lady.

Since joining the Pageant, Giulia has become the camp gossip, and those in the know pump her for information...what they don't always realize is how much they tell her...

Relationship with Rambert: Giulia is Rambert's lover, one of several.

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