Gratiano de Veronese

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Lasombra Gratiano de Veronese.jpg

Quote: "The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason." -- T.S. Eliot, "Murder in the Cathedral"

Sobriquet: Lord Varonese, His Grace, Gratiano

Appearance: Born into the prosperous De Veronese family of Italy, Gratiano knew all the advantages of noble birth and showed the requisite haughtiness and base cruelty at an early age. Indeed, his father's few attempts to curb the boy's arrogance and pride only led to more hostility and anger. Still, Gratiano's ambition and accomplishments pleased his father; he quickly distinguished himself in war, commerce and politics. Entering the priesthood as a teenager, he also wielded this power well, and sought a bishopric while still in his early twenties.



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