
From The World Is A Vampire
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Blood Affinities

Ever since you were small, you've been able to get out of even the roughest scrapes. It seems like whenever you really need it, the dice roll in your favor, the man looks the other way, or she believes your excuse about a flat tire.
This talent enables the character to add an extra die or two to a dice pool when she decides things look really bad. However, each Luck die can only be used once per story. So if the character has three points of Luck she might use one point (die) early on to win at gambling, but then she only has two Luck dice to use when she's confronted by three angry bouncers at the club.

1) Novice: You find pennies on sidewalks.
2) Practiced: You can always find a parking spot.
3) Competent: You would have been kicked off the Titanic before it set sail.
4) Expert: You've been thrown out of a lot of casinos.
5) Master: Compared to you, James Bond is one unlucky guy.