Holy Roman Empire 1094 Brian's Take

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Brian's Session Notes

Back again....

I am still surprised that worked.... Sacrificing Oliver Zalinka to the time travel device. **side note...there is now only 5 people who will remember him....ever....** Flee the German hedge mage Himmler (yes that Himmler). We arrive in the ruins of a the fort in the snow. We have enough paradox heaped on our shoulders that everything is difficult. I had planned on this somewhat but the reality is worse than I planned. Two villagers are here on guard, of what I don't know but they are a problem. They are trying to run away, I can only guess that seeing 5 people arrive in a blaze of glory might be seen as.....terrifying.

How Bazaar

So I have gotten 4000 gold pieces, I must be one scary guy that when I get angry I force them to give me double the pay. I mean we only sold a duchess back to her Uncle/Lover. Now what do you do with this much gold? Well to get an idea of how much I really had I went to the marketplace to buy some gem stones and other ritual materials. I need to get back into the habit of having my battle magic's ready to go. In a world that I may actually find and fight Jotuns, it is that much more important. I purchased ~10 gem stone with a purchase prices of a couple of thousand dollars for about 6 gold. This means, I am rich. In todays terms I would have been paid several million dollars. Not enough to quit working forever but enough that I can live a little.

I buy a new tent and wagon to haul it, horse to pull the wagon. Along with some small furniture to go inside I spend 2 more gold.

I look into some magical vendors, including necromantic supplies. I found there is a vendor for such objects but he only sells items once a month and it is very much under the table. Magic is viewed by the locals in a slightly negative way, and of course necromancy has a far more evil connotation. The merchant is selling corpses including newborns, thieves and even a noble women. The prize tonight seems to be a authentic Egyptian mummy. I am interested in the supernatural and historic parts but there are two gentlemen much more interested. The first is a True Mage who is gifted with Forces and not afraid to show it. He bullies the merchant to selling the mummy cheap (4 gold I think). The merchant ends up selling most of his merchandise at a discount because of the show. The other interested party is also a True Mage who likes to show his power. I end buying some simple supplies, tallow for Godiva and myself and some bone for knives.

I decided, like any good Ventrue or Giovanni, that I should invest some. Problem comes in is that the Pageant is mobile, it's not going to help me to buy an inn/tavern or other business in a city because I can't manage it from any kind of distance. I can't even finance some Viking raids, which sounds mildly epic....but again I can't stay to collect when they get back.

So what can I invest in that can travel with me but is not easily stolen or lost? Well for the moment I wanted to take on some employees that could add to the pageant. I can buy slaves or bond servants and profit off their service. I am not to keen on slaves in general but as long as I give them the option of freedom and treat them with respect I think my honor is clean. Odin has no problem with slaves, so I am good there. The last bond servant will owe me a porition of his wages for the 20 years he serves and then depending on his service can stay on with me as a paid retainer.

The auction ended with three premium slaves.

There is a weekly sale, mostly of bond servants (which are socially acceptable) but ends with some slaves. My goal is to find some men and women who make good whores (and want to do such work) or good fighter/hunters.

After arriving at the sale, which takes place about an hour after dark, I notice that the crowd includes a total of 5 kindred. Four of those stand out to anyone who knows what to look for. One is very hard to see and literally cloaked in shadows. The creature is about 8 foot tall and for me screams Kiasyd.

I end up purchasing 2 slaves and 3 bond servants. One of the slaves is a women who will make a good courtesan with some training. I plan to offer her the choice of servant or courtesan. She will earn her freedom much quicker as a courtesan but I will not force her to that. The other four are fighters, a pair of permanent bond servants(isn't that slavery?), 1 slave and 1 20 year bond servant. I plan to hire them out in towns a villages we pass through and take them with us when we leave. Again I plan to allow the 3 slaves/permanent bond servant to purchase their freedom. The price will be high but they do not yet know they won't age. The last will owe me a portion of his wages till the end of his 20 years. I plan to allow all of them to serve after they are free if they wish.