Holy Roman Empire 1094 Brian's Take

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Brian's Session Notes

Back again....

I am still surprised that worked.... Sacrificing Oliver Zalinka to the time travel device. **side note...there is now only 5 people who will remember him....ever....** Flee the German hedge mage Himmler (yes that Himmler). We arrive in the ruins of a the fort in the snow. We have enough paradox heaped on our shoulders that everything is difficult. I had planned on this somewhat but the reality is worse than I planned. Two villagers are here on guard, of what I don't know but they are a problem. They are trying to run away, I can only guess that seeing 5 people arrive in a blaze of glory might be seen as.....terrifying.

How Bazaar

So I have gotten 4000 gold pieces, I must be a one scary guy when I get angry to force getting double the pay. I mean we only sold a duchess back to her Uncle/Lover. Now what do you do with this much gold? Well to get an idea of how much I really had I went to the marketplace to buy some gem stones and other ritual materials. I need to get back into the habit of having my battle magic's ready to go. In a world that I may actually find and fight Jotuns, it is that much more important. I purchased ~10 gem stone with a purchase prices of a couple of thousand dollars for about 6 gold. This means, I am rich. In todays terms I would have been paid several million dollars. Not enough to quit working forever but enough that I can live alittle.

I decided, like any good Ventrue or Giovanni, that I should invest some. Problem comes in is that the Pagent is mobile, it's not going to help me to buy an inn/tavern or other business in a city because I can't manage it from any kind of distance. I can't even finance some Viking raids, which sounds mildly epic....

So what can I invest in that can travel with me but is not easily stolen or lost?