Art Appreciation

From The World Is A Vampire
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To critique the works of others (one can't critique its own work, as it's assumed she already tried it in the creation/production stage), a roll of Perception +Art Appreciation difficulty 6 must be succeeded.,

  • The person/vampire can talk about the art, it's place in the medium, and not sound like a complete buffoon. You took high school art.
    • The person/vampire can talk about the art, it's emotions, and it's physical context. You probably took college art classes.
      • The person/vampire can talk about the art, it's permutations around the art world, and the deeper context of it's creation and or meaning. You graduated with an Art Degree.
        • Not only can the person/vampire wax eloquent about the art in question, but can tie it to movements, great artists, and bring about a higher appreciation of the piece. If Toreador listen to the oration of the person/vampire talking about the art and the speaker gets more than 3 successes, the Toreador can be entranced.
          • This level of appreciation is almost an art in and of itself. Those who perform a verbal speech or write about the art should roll for creation...and if the roll is a 7 or higher, the piece or performance is a creation in an unto itself.