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Blood Affinities

You always seem to know when to look over your shoulder and when not to take that shortcut through the dark alley. When you get a bad feeling about someone, it really means something, and you sometimes notice things that don't seem important at the time, but end up being critical.
This talent is a mild form of "sixth sense." Characters with this Affinity add their Instinct rating to any rolls regarding the character's personal safety. The Storyteller may even wish to roll the character's Instinct dice in situations where a strong danger exists but the character has no normal way to detect this. In such cases Instinct + Perception should be rolled (difficulty 8). If the roll is successful, the character should get a bad feeling about the situation. This would range from feeling "funny" about a person who means to bilk the character out of her money to not wanting to start a car wired to explode.
If a roll is botched, the Storyteller should give the character some misleading information. (Botches work much better when the Storyteller makes the Instinct roll). For example, if the character is deciding which alley to run down to avoid the pack of angry thugs she just swindled, the character would get a bad feeling about the alley that leads to a clean getaway. Whoops.
This Affinity only works in regard to the character herself and is not added to rolls where the character is not in any personal danger.

1) Novice: You generally have an umbrella with you when it rains.
2) Practiced: You never get cold-cocked in a fight.
3) Competent: Good private eye material.
4) Expert: You never answer the phone when a creditor calls.
5) Master: Jungle predators could learn from you.