Marcel Marchand

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Followers of Set -ChiTown- Chicago Followers of Set -x- Marseille -x- Haiti

Setite Marcel Marchand.jpg

Sobriquet: Marcel or Million Dollar Smiles or MDS

Appearance: Marcel is a short, swarthy man of North African descent. He prefers everyday work clothes, to ostentatious evening attire or the ornate ceremonial robes of a Setite priest. Marcel's unmistakable trade mark is his golden smile, you see, as a mortal Marcel must have lost all his teeth, because all his teeth have been duplicated with solid gold replacements (even his canines), and upon each one is inscribed a distinctive Egyptian hieroglyph. Thus it is said that Marcel's smile both reveals and conceals the truth at the same time, a perfect trade mark for a man who styles himself a merchant of souls.

Behavior: Marcel is sly and beguiling. He knows no one will trust him, so he plays to that stereotype, his objective in behaving so it make others admit that in dealing with him, they are selling their souls.

History: Chicago has long been a place of interest to the Followers of Set, and neonates have come to the city on a regular basis. Marcel's presence, however, marks the first time one has made a permanent haven in the area, Lodin's "Justice" was especially brutal when it came to the Serpents.

Originally from Marseilles, Marcel was Embraced while running Setite heroin to the United States. His first position was as an assistant to other Followers in Haiti. Tired of the intensely competitive nature of the clan members there, he decided to try his luck in the U.S. He was in New Orleans when he heard about the death of Chicago's prince Lodin.

Packing up his belongings, he caught the firs train into the city and set about laying the groundwork for establishing his own temple. He moved into the Robert Taylor Homes, one of Chicago's worst projects, and established himself as a force to be respected. He soon discovered that one of the main vampires running Chicago's cocaine trade -- Brennon Thornhill -- had been killed in the recent Lupine attacks. Marcel immediately picked up much of as much of the 'trade' as he could without giving away his presence and then subtly insinuated himself into the affairs of the Succubus Club (which Thornhill used to own) in the hopes of taking over even more of Brennon's connections. However, Marcel quickly abandoned this strategy because even he didn't like the vibes he was picking up in the club.

In any case, he was content to expand his own trade while sizing up the Kindred community of Chicago. At the time, he had hoped to begin his campaign of corruption with those candidates who would contend for the princedom. Thus he offered them low interest favors during their competition in return for greater future returns. While it was obviously wise for all the candidates to avoid such "bargains," but in their desperate bids for power, many were willing to pay Marcel's price.

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