Nathaniel Rachel

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Paris -P- Toreador -P- The History of the Clan of the Rose in Paris

Sobriquet: Nathaniel

Appearance: 1m80 tall, Nathaniel as brown hair that falls on his shoulders, and hazel eyes. He wears comfortable clothes of good quality. His style can go from the stealthiest sobriety to the greatest extravagance. He has (actually, at least) so preference for the street wears that knows some success among the teens (light blue Jeans, XXL T-shirts, leather jacket, Doc Martin's, etc.) when he goes out.

His model's silhouette gives him, anyway, the appearance of someone who is always well clothed, no matter the style.

Recently, he discovered the piercing, and has a ring in the nose, as well as in the ears. He has a long tattoo over his right arm, but the tattoo remains hidden by the clothing he wears.

He is a beautiful man, with a delicate muscle build. Nothing in his appearance is artificial: He is like his spirit dictates him. His clothing reflects most of the time his humour.

Most of the clothes goes well on him, but he seldom wears luxurious clothes... Perhaps some old grudge against neck ties and hard foot-wear.

His hair are most of the time let loose, and sometimes tied (but never in a too much strict way).

He walks with a fluidity that bellies that of a cat.

Behavior: He is nonchalant, but cold in his own way. Never tactless, even if his behaviour is distant, most of the time.

When he hears someone, he narrow his eyes in concentration and nods. If he doubts of something, he will mark it with a long intake of breath, and perhaps a brow movement.

When he is alone (or believe it to be), he dances, or sit still for hours. Everything seems to be uninteresting.

He tries to shock by his piercing style, and seems to be very pround of this mode.

When confronted to failure, his face remains, motionless, but for the contracting of his jaws. He always assume his personnal mistakes, and sometimes those of others, in silence.

History: Nathaniel is born in upper class family in the beginning of the sixties. His father was conductor and his mother a singer. He will enter at six in the Opera of Paris as a Petit Rat, remain there twelve years and become a dancer.

In a climate of permanent competition, Nathaniel tries to be the best... No matter the price. One of the other protégés of the school and himself will be at each other throat, in an artistic way, and will finally become the best, and fight for the first place, Danseur Etoile.

The test, which occurred at 11 p.m. was a disaster. For Nathaniel: As this one was preparing for the test, one hour before, he received the visit of an unknown man who asked Nathaniel to follow him. Nathaniel obeyed without even trying to refuse, or react in any way. The man, whose face and features are now forgotten, explained to Nathaniel what he had to lose. Nathaniel couldn't believe it: He had worked so much, through so much pain. He couldn't lose now! But the voice was so... powerful.

After his performance, Nathaniel remained a long time alone. His performance had been a disaster. Never he had been so clumsy, so nervous, so... weighty. He had lost, and nothing could erase the pain and the shame.

Classical dance was at end, for him. Moreover, he seemed to have lost some of his potential. He turned to more modern rhythms and contemporaneous choreographs... There, he succeeded to become a dancer of great quality, even if he had never the occasion to develop his potential until the end.

Marie, a Vampire of the Cour of Villon, 8th Generation of the Clan Toreador, saw this man from the height of the balcony of the Modern Opera... He danced really good, his face was expressive even if he knew few or none could really see it, and his body was so... beautiful. He walked, ran and jumped with a feline dexterity. But he was young, too much young...

So Marie followed the steps of Nathaniel, rejoicing to see him go through more and more successes up to the stars for 10 years. She knew that Nathaniel would not become the unforgettable star of the eighties, but he had all the qualities necessary to take through eternity this strange mix of strength and smoothness that were the traits of Dance in this end of the century.

Nathaniel would die: Someone had chosen it for him.

Immortality had some advantages, not the least being the fact that he couldn't die. After his Embrace, hungry and soon satiated, Marie put some music and asked her Childe to dance for her. He did that, and stopped only at sunrise, exhausted, sweating blood. Nathaniel then started to laugh, and oly stopped when the sleep to over him: My God, I'm Immortal!.

In 1994, while he was surveying the exploration of an archeological site for the Louvre, in the company of Philippe d'Estr�e, his Sire was destroyed in strange circumstances: He learned, then, that he had a Brother: Mathias. Mathias was suspected to had destroyed his Sire out of shame or jealousy, but he defended himself such that the accusations were forgotten (At least, publicly).

Since, Nathaniel was asked to enter the Veilleurs, the sect of Alexis. Strangely, at the same time, Mathias became a Masque...

Nathaniel forms a Coterie with Yorgues, Jimmy, Myriam, Frederic de Lagny and Farinelli.

Notes: Nathaniel Warren is a rich man, living in a luxurious loft near the Place Gambetta. He tries to manage his school of dance near his loft. He was, alive, recognized as a dancer, but he lives now under a new identity: He organized his own death, and his tomb is not very far, as he was entombed in the Père Lachaise cemetery (Of course, his tomb is empty!).

Nathaniel likes to talk about his mortal life as his other life, or last life, showing the fact that his unlife and his life have no relation whatsoever. Still, something remains from his past: He has a 15-years-old daughter, named Lucie, who believes her papa is dead. Her mother and Nathaniel were lovers in the last troupe he joined before his Death. While at the time he was immature, and couldn't imagine himself as a father, he couldn't forget her, even if he couldn't recognize as his daughter (so she couldn't inherit from him). She reminds him of his mortal life, and sometimes, he dreams about meeting her...

By using some bureaucratic loop, he succeeded to give her some money she will be able to use when reaching her majority (18 years), as well as a monthly income of some thousands Francs. It's not very much, but it gives Nathaniel the feeling he gives him some kind of confort. Her mother thinks the money comes from some Nathaniel's family member. But in truth, there is no more family member. Only Her, him, and their child.

He learned recently that her mother married someone, and Lucie now calls him Papa. He has some difficulties to accept it. He thinks it's much better so. The little girl is beautiful, and dreams to become dancer, like her mother.

Still, two things bothers Nathaniel: First, the girl entered the school of dance he manages! Second, she wrote to the false parent who gives her money to learn more from me. To know me better. I hope she isn't perturbed by all this. Nathaniel wonder if he should answer or not...

His past appeared in another form: His rival at the performance he failed appeared as a Toreador he met in some Soirée. Edouard has great Prestige among the Clan, and he is still famous as one of the greatest contemporaneous Danseur Etoile of this time. I hate him, and his feelings about me are the same.

Actual Aim: He tries to further modern dance performances with the help of his personal resources, and tries to increase his political influence in the 20th Arrondissement of Paris.

Still, his daughter bothers him...


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