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Southern Europe

Italy is a state at the Mediterranean, which most supernaturals having ties to the Roman Empire of antiquity or the advances of the Renaissance cities. Today, the situation has slightly changed, and many among the supernaturals are forced to maintain a low profile due the high percentage of Witch-hunters active in Italy.

For information about Italy in Antiquity, visit Rome.

The Kindred of Italy have fallen on hard times since the Anarch Revolt. Camarilla and Sabbat alike maintain low profiles and conspire against each other, as most of the native Kindred simply do not exercise any measure of cooperation or strategic planning with other sect officials. They prefer to bicker amongst themselves and keep up centuries-old squabbles over whom invaded whose city and so on. The cities suffer as a result.

The vast majority of Italian princes are Brujah, Toreador or Ventrue, but there are also a prominent set of Lasombra dioceses that date back to the Long Night, the most prominent (until recently) being Giangaleazzo, as well as Grimaldi strongholds that are controlled by the Tzimisce. Nearly all of them live in the distant past, longing nostalgically for their youth. The absent-mindness and carelessness of the ruling vampires results in a variety of “Anarch”- as most Anarchs in Europe are Ancillae and fairly set in their ways compared to their American counterparts- domains especially in the rural north of the country. Sabbat activity has recently increased, as many packs travel to Italy to retake Milan and punish Giangaleazzo, but the Camarilla has reacted by sending their own elite corps down there, rekindling the sect war on European ground. Before their destruction, The Tal’Mahe’Ra entertained a minor Revenant family in the Po valley, the Rafastio, who were also potent hedge mages.

The true power in Italy, however, rests with the Giovanni (and, by extension, the Putanesca and Rosselini families that were adopted into the Clan). Other clans fear the Giovanni, though they are loath to admit this. The Giovanni are slowly taking over the financial realms of the Elders and looking for more rapid expansion through the European Economic Community. Thanks to their mortal family members, they are among the few clans that have managed to gain footholds in the Vatican itself. No one is willing to question the Giovanni - much less oppose them - in Italy.

Cities of Italy

Districts of Italy