Lilianne Le Parisian

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Nosferatu -x- League of the Night -x- Quebec City

Nosferatu Lilianne Le Parisian.jpg

Sobriquet: Lily for the flower that springs eternal.

Appearance: Lilianne is petite, just shy of five feet tall and weighing less than a hundred pounds and she seems as if a strong breeze would carry her away. Lily is something of Nosferatu siren, where most Sewer Rats are hideously scarred, her face is more or less untouched by the clan curse. She is bald with the coloring of a corpse, and strange pointed ears, but her face is almost fey and frames deep dark eyes of the most intense Egyptian blue. From her neck down, the flesh begins to pucker with scars and its clear that her spine and torso are seriously malformed. Worst of all are her legs, which she never shows anyone. But, in the right kind of clothes, she can with difficulty walk among humanity as a seemingly dedicated goth or cosplay girl and the mortals are none the wiser. She enjoys wearing the finest clothing with a Victorian sensibility, for she is usually covered from neck to ankles, and she always wears gloves. Her breath is surprisingly sweet, but her body gives off a strong odor of unwashed sexual muskiness that can by turns arouse or repulse those who accompany her depending upon their constitution. She travels about mostly with the aid of a cane or wheelchair, there is no doubt that she probably couldn't run to save her life and that she struggles to walk or dance with any kind of grace. There is an air of tragedy that surrounds Lilianne, a kind of desperate melancholy sometimes seen in the defiantly crippled.



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