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Allies are mortal men and women who support the character. They may be members of his family, friends (from before or after the Embrace), fellow members of an organization to which he gives allegiance, or related to him in some other way. Whatever the case, they provide him with aid willingly and without coercion. They're not always available - in crucial moments the Storyteller may limit their availability in varying degrees - and they're not bound to provide aid to the point of suicide.
The details of your character's allies depend on your imagination and your Storyteller's approval. Temporal and religious authorities, people prominent in commerce or a professional, family figures and the like are all possibilities. Describe your character's allies before play begins, so that you and your Storyteller both know what you're talking about.
Storyteller's Option: With your Storyteller's approval, your character's allies can be fellow vampires or other supernatural beings. Your Storyteller may wish to require one more dot that usual for a vampiric ally and two more dots than usual for a ghost or other supernatural ally. If you try this approach and your Storyteller agrees, remember that unusual allies may mark your character for attention from powerful forces who regard the alliance as a threat or as something to exploit for the examiner's own ends. Benefit and hazard go hand-in-hand.

1): One ally of moderate influence and power in the immediate community.
2): Two allies, both of moderate power locally and some influence in the country or region.
3): Three allies, one of whom wields significant power, official or otherwise.
4): Four allies, one of whom is extremely influential.
5): Five allies, one of whom is a major force in an important institution and can provide aid from far away.