Salomão Machado

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True Brujah -x- Rio de Janeiro

True Brujah Salomão Machado.jpg

Sobriquet: Salomão Machado has taken the title 'Count', not out of the desire for a noble image, but rather to pay homage to his sire Numerius.

Appearance: Salomão is a tall man, muscular but thin and spare. He is clean shaven with a prominent widow's peak, dark glossy hair with white bangs over his forehead that have grown long and are swept over his ears. He has thick dark eyebrows that meet over his hawk-like nose almost forming a uni-brow. His face is angular and chiseled without spare flesh and a sallow complexion that hints at a long-ago mortal swarthiness bleached by centuries beyond the light of the sun. He has large callused hands, but perfectly manicured fingernails. He prefers to dress in the latest male fashions, but circumstance and location can dictate what he must wear without seeming to disturb the air of cold calm that always surrounds him.

Behavior: Salomão can best be described as cold and hard. While surrounded by an almost mystical nimbus of magnetism that compels those around him into trying to please him, he is particularly hard to please. A man of pragmatic, if exacting expectations, he can exasperate even other True Brujah. His capacity to ruffle the feathers of even the frozen hearted Elois has won him few friends. His obsession with the law and more particularly, justice can be difficult to understand, let alone accept. While these qualities are actually quite appropriate for one who follows the Path of the Scorched Heart, they are nonetheless particularly grating when combined with the cold and calculating behavior of the True Brujah. But it would be wrong to describe Salomão as just a vigilante, for he is so much more than that. He is a machine of violent justice bound not to age, growing stronger with the centuries and empowered by the curse of Caine with supernatural abilities that have allowed him to become the icy fury of the ancient gods of old.

History: Salomão was born the son of a simple woodcutter from Guimarães in northern Portugal. The year was 1580, and Portugal had just lost its young king to battle in Morocco, and while the dead monarch's great-uncle, a senior cleric took the throne, he died just two years later. The deaths of two childless monarchs in two years triggered the "Portugese Crisis of Succession" in which Spain invaded and assumed control of the Kingdom of Portugal..

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