Rebeca Vargas

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Rio de Janeiro -x- Cassandra Fonseca's Statistics

Ghoul Rebeca Vargas.jpg

Sobriquet: Captain.

Appearance: Rebeca is a beautiful, athletic Latin-American woman. Though handsome might be a better word for her hard physique, prominent facial bones and her almost proudly erect stance. Despite this or perhaps because of it, men of all kinds vie for her attention. Long before she had met her first vampire, the character of the words used by those close to her and strangers alike to describer her were of a distinctly predatory nature. Despite the passage of years, she radiates both physical and emotional strength. When time ceased to have it way with her, she was in her early forties and could best be described as a hungry cougar on the prowl. Rebeca's stature has more to do with her personality than with her physical height which only measures 5.5ft tall. Nor is she particularly bulky, as she probably only weighs 130 pounds, at the very most. However, regardless of whether she is subduing a violent prisoner or getting a little rough with a lover, she always surprises her opponent with her sheer strength, which far surpasses her obviously athletic form.

Rebeca isn't fond of the uniform, or any uniform, but she understands they are part of the job. Given her druthers she prefers tight, stretch to fit jeans, athletic tops and her beat-up old black leather jacket. While she doesn't mind going barefoot on the beach, she loathes flip-flops and silly footwear of all kinds. On the job she wears high-top athletic shoes as she hasn't outlived the pleasure of a heart-pounding chase down dark and dirty alleyways after a fleet-footed perpetrator. She isn't much for jewelry either, though she keeps the badge close to hand, the way a priest or nun might cling to the cross. However, when letting her feminine side loose, usually in pursuit of her chosen amusement for the evening, she has a very nice selection of body-hugging evening-wear to catch his eye. She does like perfumes and is something of a perfume snob. One piece of clothing she is never without is a gun. Whether its a compact snub-nosed hidden in a clutch or a thigh holster or the hand-canon she carries while at work. Rebeca compares keeping a gun within easy reach to having access to a condom: its better to have one and not need it, than need it and not have one.

Behavior: Rebeca can best be described as fierce. It doesn't matter whether she is engaged in combat or lovemaking, in the pursuit of a suspect, the hunt for evidence or standing up for one of her officers before a police tribunal. Another key word that describes Rebeca is loyal, almost to a fault, whether its family or police solidarity, or trying to save a friend or lover from themselves; she is loyal right down to the bone and only death or an outright betrayal can shake that intensity of belief. Rebeca has a mischievous sense of humor which explodes into full blown giggles or a uncontrolled belly-laugh when something strikes her the right way.

History: No truer statement could be said of Rebeca than that more blue runs in her veins than red, as she was born to be a police officer. That birth occurred during the summer of 1975, not long before the Christmas season. Her parents were both the children of police officers. Her father had been in uniform for only a few years when she was born. Her mother was an attorney before she married Rebeca's father, though for a time she remained at home to raise her children. Eventually she returned to her passion and rose to become one of Rio de Janeiro's first female district attorneys. It was in this atmosphere that Rebeca and her siblings, all brothers, grew up. It would be cliche to describe how tough Rebeca became because she was the only girl in a pack of brothers, mostly because it was she who threw each of her younger brothers regular beatings. As they grew older, meaner and bigger, she could just be herself and cut loose on them. As in nature, the female of the pack was far more dangerous than the males, and in time they learned this lesson despite the machismo culture in which they were all raised. Rebeca was far from the ideal daughter despite the efforts of all her female relatives including her mother. Only her father could compel obedience from her, not out of fear or through force, but because she respected everything he stood for and believed in right down to her bones.

Recent Events: Rebeca has been given a truly difficult choice. Remain behind in Rio de Janeiro to live a mortal life among her friends, family and her precinct. Or give up all that she knows and loves to follow her best friend into the darkness. Of course, the choice was already decided for her long before she was even born.