Dukkerin Disc

From The World Is A Vampire
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Certain drabarne (mostly those of the Phuri Dae) have learned that charms can be placed on any compact disc. This particular charm is especially powerful and it can only be created by a drabarne who also has the Sight. In a ritual lasting from dusk to dawn, the drabarne decides what information she is seeking along the time line (in either direction) and then allows her consciousness to fly free as she reaches into the threads of time and binds certain of these threads into the laser codes on the CD. the drabarne can only access the span of time along which she can normally travel when using the Sight. The drabarne must expend two points of Willpower in the disc's weaving and she must make a Stamina + Sight rill (difficulty of 7) to determine the number of songs she weaves onto the disc.
Once the ritual is completed, the drabarne plays the CD to hear what information she has recorded. Each song (success) achieved adds another dimension to the information available. This information is not nearly as general and obscure as much information gained through the Sight. On the contrary, it is quite clear. However, it is always conveyed by warping the lyrics of the songs already on the CD; the music itself remains the same.
For example, if the drabarne seer, Katya, wishes to discover the details of the disappearance and subsequent murder of the kumpania of young Rom, she will concentrate on the facts she does know about the murdered Rom. Rolling her Draba + Sight, Katya gets two successes. Exhausted but excited, Katya and the rest of her kumpania gather around the CD player they just swiped to listen to the results of her psychic search.
Since she had two successes, there are two songs on the disc warped by the threads of time to provide information. The first of these songs tells in graphic detail of how the kidnapping and murder were performed (drugging of drinks and subsequent beating and strangulation). The second song's lyrics speak of burning hatred for the impure and unwise among today's Rom, especially those who associate with the traitors:

(To U2s "So Cruel") You love the gaje, who you should hate the most,
Their filth passes through you, loges in your throat,
We sought you out, you who didn't care
Baby... you're nowhere
despair at your twisted mind traps
It gets you every time
We put our guns to your heads
To stop the lie ...

Since she only had two successes, Katya does not discover the identities of the murderers, but her kumpania may now be able to guess the murderers where done by their fellow Rom, most probably some Tsurara radicals.
Another version of this charm uses video discs instead of musical CDs. When using such discs, the Gypsy receives a series of snapshot images superimposed upon the normal pictures on the disc; one snapshot per success.