Denver: Alien Hunger

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Denver airport demon horse by night.jpg


The premise behind "Denver: Alien Hunger" is to see what would have become of the Dark Iterations Chronicle if the characters hadn't been forcibly inducted into the Sabbat or caught up in the Sect Wars at all. But rather, if they had become involved in the politics of Denver, shunning the violent lives they chose in the other iterations of our chronicle and had instead pursued the prophesy of the coming cataclysm brought on by the necromancer's Ritual of the Long Night. -- "The Magister 08:01, 20 February 2015 (MST)"

City Seal of Denver

City seal of denver.gif


Denver is a city that will be far more defined by its future than its past. -- John Hickenlooper


Full moon denver skyline night.jpg




Historical Note: Previous to the dates which follow, the Arapaho tribes had been using the junction of the South Platte river and Cherry Creek as a meeting place and seasonal camp for an unspecified period of time, but historical resources indicate that period of time could have been considerable, centuries or longer.

Its worth noting, that one of the specific references that I found, a letter dated 1858, stated that there were over three hundred lodges of Arapaho in and around that junction of the S.Platte and C.Creek rivers; this is important because a lodge is usually an extended family of several generations of Arapaho, which means at the time of the letter's writing, there were probably 3,000+ Arapaho tribal members in residence at the site of downtown Denver. In the year 2001, there are less than 10,000 total Arapaho tribal members split between the two surviving tribal groups left in North America. Time has not been kind to the Arapaho. -- Bruce E. Zieger (mortal amateur historian and storyteller)



  • -- City (649,495) - 2013 census
  • -- Urban (2,374,203) - 2013 census
  • -- Metro Area (2,697,476) - 2013 census



Bars and Clubs



City Government



Citizens of the City

Current Events



Hotels & Hostels









Private Residences







The Vampiric Factions of Denver (18)

There are vast differences between the Denver that we know and it's dark reflection in the World of Darkness. The Denver of Alien Hunger is dark and gritty place subject of endemic crime, overcrowding and corruption. It is very much a Gothic city wherein old buildings dominate the landscape crowned with gargoyles. The shadows between the newly risen skyscrapers are deep indeed with the plotting of the immortals that have called this city their home since 1858.

But despite considerable efforts of its blood drinking residents, the city continues to change and grow. The Denver they were Embraced into is slowly but surely being transmogrified into something else entirely. While they struggle to hold onto those tangible pieces of the past, they must also keep up with a world turned upside-down by the growth of technology and the constant emergence of new factions within the Denver's mortal and immortal society. As if these factors were not enough, the night society of Denver have recently endured three major upheavals in the last few decades that have reshaped the political landscape of its Camarilla Kindred.

The arrival of Jacob Prestor, a Caitiff of French extraction, in 1985 went without much notice at that time. Prestor presented himself quickly enough and despite his clanless status Prince Edward welcomed the Frenchman on a provisional basis. Why the ancient Toreador prince would allow one of the clanless into his city remains a mystery, but most agree that Edward was a just ruler who always sought the amicable solution before taking violent action. In any event, Prestor kept to himself for the most part and established a domain in the city of Westminster, just east of Standley Lake. The years past and few gave much thought to the French Caitiff who kept to himself.

That is until 1997, when Prince Edward began to act increasingly erratic. His natural paranoia seemed to take over completely and even the closest of his subjects became questionable in his mind. Unknown to all but a trusted few, an ancient Nosferatu named Thaddeus had arrived in the city hunting Jacob Prestor. No one now living knows what the Roman sewer-rat whispered into the prince's ear, but shortly after his arrival in the city, Edward declared a blood-hunt against Prestor and sent his mortal minions to kill the Frenchman during the day. While Jacob Prestor did indeed die the final-death, he also spawned a large brood of fledglings. Prestor's reasons followed him to the grave, but most of Denver's Kindred believe he sired his brood as a defense against the prince's agents. Regardless, of the reason, a dozen fledglings were unleashed on the city and it did not take the prince long to realize what had happened. With Prestor dead, the Methuselah, Thaddeus left the city and upon his disappearance the prince seemed to regain his senses.

Thereafter, Edward organized a search that eventually turned up all of Prestor's brood. But the ensuing chaos of a so many new vampires resulted in numerous breaches of the Masquerade and required tremendous resources to mend the fragile illusion of the First Tradition. After gathering them all together, the prince offered Prestor's Brood a simple choice: accept the blood-oath, thus ensuring their loyalty to him personally or face the final death. While this strategy solved numerous problems, it also greatly angered the other Kindred of Denver, especially the primogen who feared that Edward was becoming a tyrant. This combination of events might well have led to open strife, save for the fact that the prince thereafter left Denver in pursuit of Thaddeus, and in the process appointing his most faithful childe Duke as his seneschal.

Unbeknownst to the Camarilla of Denver, the Sabbat took the opportunity presented by the chaos surround the aforementioned events and established a small number of converts among the younger Kindred of the city. These turncoats were well selected and carefully placed to acquire all the intelligence that would be necessary to carry out a successful siege of Denver. That siege followed two years later in mid 1997 and took the rest of the year to resolve itself. During the interim, the city went through a violent period of chaotic give and take with the Sword of Caine. Despite the loss of several of the city's elders and the general slaughter of the rank and file, the Sabbat were eventually driven from the city by the following spring. The Camarilla court of Denver then began the difficult process of putting itself back together. However, despite a clear line of succession the new seneschal of Denver, Leslie Wilkes is ill prepared to take over the leadership of Denver and its fractious Kindred.

The unspoken question on every Kindred's lips is when will Edward return to restore the old order? For the wise and powerful few, the question isn't when will he return, but rather will he do so? This underlying insecurity is the current mood of the city and has created many new factions to contend with the old order. In Edward's absence, many new Kindred are seeking a place for themselves within Denver with or without the new seneschal's permission. Older Kindred who had previously been residents of Denver during its Wild West period have begun to appear in increasing numbers, thus further muddying the political waters and creating a winner-take-all mentality as various clans, factions and generations of Kindred scheme to establish themselves and perhaps, just perhaps win a throne in the process.

Caitiff clan logo.png Caitiff

Gangrel clan logo.png The Fedorov Family of Gangrel (5)

Lasombra clan logo.png The Narsene Family of Lasombra (4)

Malkavian clan logo.png Clan Malkavian (2)

Nosferatu clan logo.png Clan Nosferatu

Toreador clan logo.png The Petronian Family of Toreador (3)

Tremere clan logo.png Clan Tremere (1)

Ventrue clan logo.png Clan Ventrue (3)

Prestor's Brood

Prestor's Brood were all mortals that Jacob had been watching as potential test subjects for his experiments. When he caught wind that the prince was sending assassins, he decided to run his test and create a group of shock-troops to repel the minions of Edward. The problem was that Prestor himself was the product of an artificial Embrace and a sketchy vampiric education, thus it never occurred to an otherwise brilliant man, that he would need daylight guardians and he perished before his experiment could be completed.

It is clear that once Prestor realized that the prince meant him harm, he sought to protect himself by creating a brood. Moreover, it seems likely he was dealing with issues of urge indulgence as he kidnapped far more victims than he presumably needed. Though few actually recall the kidnapping itself, all of Prestor's fledglings recalls the injections they were given and that they were imprisoned together in a dark, confined space. Each lost consciousness at some point and when they awoke, the house was on fire and their prison was getting hot and smoky. Together they were able to tear through a wall of the house and escape into the sewers. Afterwards, they split up and when their own ways, only to be hunted down by Prince Edwards vampiric enforcers and given a simple choice of drinking the prince's blood three times or dying the final death. Predictably, all of Prester's Brood chose unlife over extinction.

During later discussions it became apparent that Jacob Prestor was a scientific genius who had somehow decoded the vampiric genome and could create vampires from a artificial serum. The serum was, of course, based on his own Caitiff blood, but it was somehow enhanced with the tinctures of the other clans allowing him to control the clan and flaws of the resulting fledgling. As Prestor was only of the 12th generation, all his progeny - regardless of what clan proves dominant - are of the 13th generation. And the blood-magic of the Tremere reveals this to be true, including that all of the brood are Prestor's fledglings.

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Deceased vampire icon.png Deceased and Exiled vampires of Denver
