Danillo Skirlech

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Odious, Pustulent, uncivilized, and indispensable is how Adeline Truchon described the Croatian Sewer-Rat exile before the court of Paris just before setting out on foreign adventures. Fortunately, these words didn't reach Zagreb ahead of the pair's arrival. It is a good bet that Danillo had a lot to do with the speed and efficiency of the Camarilla's reconquest of the Croatian capital. Of the ranking Kindred in Zagreb, Danillo is the only native.

Of course, uncivilized is a relative thing: In Zagreb, he remains active in court, ensuring the security of Elysium and the good behavior of its attendees. He usually covers his scabrous face and wispy tufts of hair with a mask of red silk, and dresses the late 18th century dandy, in flamboyant lace and bright colors. His skin-tight garb only serves to draw attention to the oddly twitching bulges beneath.

Since taking the dual positions of Sheriff and Nosferatu Primogen, Danillo has retired from the front lines of the conflict, leaving the grunt-work to his childe Smit and other city enforcers and Mercenaries. When he must engage, he is surrounded by a phalanx of ghouls ranging in size from large rats to larger bouncer-esque enforcers, and he generally manages to keep most of them alive, even against full packs of Sabbat.

It is no secret that some members of the city resent his dual roles. Grumbles from the Ventrue and the Tremere may prompt prince Adeline to find a new Sheriff soon.

History: Few know how old Danillo actually is: He emerged from the Nosferatu's hive some time in the 18th or perhaps 19th century to begin taking an active role in Zagreb. By then, he was already invisible to most of the city's residents. By the 1980's, Danillo was the most prominent Nosferatu in Croatia, and a constant thorn in the Bolsheviks' vision of a unified society. When the Sabbat overran the Balkans, Danillo went into exile, only to return with allies to wrest control of his home from the true monsters.

Personality: Spending time in the company of the Nosferatu Primogen is a constant test. He plays up his macabre appearance to weed out those who are unworthy of his time. Even those who pass his initial tests are treated to occasional grotesqueries just to ensure that they were not faking it. Danillo always had a chip on his shoulder about his clan flaw; the chip grew to the size of a mountain while he was in exile among Camarilla courts. Only among mortals will he now deign to use his impressive obfuscate to hide.

In Elysium, Danillo defaults to a parody of the effete manners and overt gamesmanship found in the halls of Camarilla bastions like Paris and Berlin.

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