Daedalus the Artificer to Randall Carley, cc Bruno Kunic, December 2022

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Missives: In-Game

An encrypted email that appears on the secure laptops belonging to the Archons in question. (Randall carries a beat-up, 10-year-old IPhone).

RE: Natalia Kumenikova

It is certain that there is no Archon of Clan Tremere by the name of Natalia Kumenikova, nor do we have any record of an Archon by that name serving any other Justicar. It is entirely possible that she was working for one of us in an unofficial capacity.

There is a Natalia Kumenikova fitting the origin you sent. (Official Record Follows) Probability of a match: high.

  • */Begin File/*

Natalia Kumenikova
Embrace: June 13th? 1943. 3:30 am, local Celestial time (+/- 30 minutes). (an address, latitude and longitude). (Certainty: strong.)
Sire: Bertrand Bohm (deceased, 1947). (Certainty: Absolute. His remains were collected and analyzed by the chantry of West Berlin - name of analyst withheld).
Born: St. Petersburg, Russia, 1925 (Certainty marginal: speculation).
Ancestors of note: The Toreador Primogen of Vienna (though the two have had no overt contact).
Associates of note: None.
Significant Boons of Credit: None.
Significant Boons of Debit: (A list of two dozen 1-3 point boons to Primogen and Keepers of Elysium)
Known Relics on file in: Berlin (body), Hamburg (blood), Copenhagen (token), Remis (token).
Last recorded whereabouts: Brussels.

Notes: A German officer (name, rank) brought her back from the Russian Front to dance for his cronies. The next night, she was embraced, causing a rift between her sire, and Prince Gustav. Bertrand was one of the first casualties of the dynastic struggle that currently grips the city.

Since then, Natalia has been an itinerant resident of several cities around Germany, Denmark, and northern France, never remaining for more than 6 or 7 years. Her pattern is that she enters a city, and attempts to ingratiate herself with her most powerful clanmates. Her ineptitude at Toreador psycho-artistic socialization has inevitably lead to her leaving the city in a fit of despair. She has contacts among known Anarchs, but has kept her distance, fearing the social stigma Toreador elders place upon their rebellious inferiors.

  • */End File/*

As to your current assignment: It would be good if you can remain under cover, but the organization will, of course, come to your aid if you are exposed or in significant danger. Take care with Prince Jovan: At least one report suggests he has an unusual fondness for vitae, and he is significantly old and powerful. Our records have been updated to include Zamyr Hayka: Any addition you can make would be appreciated.

In Unity and Fraternity, Primus