Chapter 12 -- Istanbul the Queen of Cities -- B.E.Z

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Lord Blake's Personal Journal

(Out of Game - ? / In Game - July 5th, 2016)
Istanbul (Constantinople), known in past years as the "Queen of Cities" is my destination and that of my companion. We have settled on Istanbul as our destination for differing reasons. My companion seeks for something hidden, something of value; though we have discussed it, I will not further elaborate on its nature. For myself, I see one of the great cities of our society torn apart by a clandestine war that will in all likelihood destroy those among us who are best and fly in the face of our traditions in the process. If I can bring this clandestine war to an end, restore peace and contribute to the Dream, then that is destiny enough for me. Or is it? When did I suddenly feel the need to put down roots? I have always been a nomad, which is unusual for one of my kind, but not unheard of. Certainly, Istanbul has a nearly limitless myriad of curiosities to entice a being like me and it has a long illustrious history. But do I really want to settle down here? The coming nights may illuminate the possibilities and clarify my own ambitions.

(Out of Game - ? / In Game - July 7th, 2016)
Tonight we have met with a friend of my companion, who has revealed the lay of the land. There are a number of factions and each is its own mystery. Still, the friend of my companion has shed some light on who is who and what is what in the Queen of Cities. Later my companion and I discussed the matter late into the night by the subtle rocking of the sea. We have a number of options, but have settled upon the scholars as our best option under the circumstances. Tomorrow we will set up a meeting and see where it leads, but I must be careful not to give the game away.

(Out of Game - ? / In Game - July 10th, 2016)
Tonight is not a good night. In the process of working out a strategy to help my companion acquire the object of it's desire, my companion experienced a sudden and unprovoked case of suspicion. By asking a few questions in the hopes of helping define the specifics of the desired object, I inadvertently upset my companion. It seems that by the application of deduction and by acting as a sounding board, I have become a security risk to my companion. Initially, I tried to reason with my companion, but to no avail, the more reasonable I sought to be, the more suspicion I heaped upon myself - a sad, but illustrative case of what it is to be "lost in the maze of mirrors."

(Out of Game - ? / In Game - July 11th, 2016)
We have come up with a means by which my companion will be reassured of my "good" intentions; it has been decided that only my sire can guarantee my honorable behavior. So, I have written to him and now we must wait until he replies for us to move forward.

(*Out of Game - ? / In Game - July 20th, 2016)
Finally, I have received a reply and we are to travel to a neutral meeting site to meet with my sire. I feel my companion doesn't really understand what it is getting itself into, but how can I explain that if through subterfuge I discovered some of it's secrets, that it has no chance against my elder? They say, that the best learned lessons are the hard ones, I will try to distance myself from this situation and see what resolves itself. I also have questions that only my elder can answer and my life could depend on what he has to say.

(Out of Game - ? / In Game - July 27th, 2016)
As expected, the meeting has gone ill for my companion and I grieve for it's ill fortune. All I could do was step into the shadows and watch the futile struggle play out to the inevitable end - like watching a child play a grandmaster. Upon our return journey, we are both lost in our own thoughts and no words are exchanged. Likely my companion rails against a cruel and unjust world, but who ever said the world was a kind or just place? I reflect upon the riddle of what I have been told about Istanbul and how I can put it to some useful end. One good thing has come of our trip, my companion seems satisfied that I am now to be trusted to a reasonable degree. What deep, dark secrets must my companion have to be so paranoid? For now, it is best to leave sleeping dragons lie, after all, I too have my share of secrets and as long as I do not pry, likely neither will it.

(Out of Game - ? / In Game - August 3rd, 2016)
Our meeting with the scholars is set for tonight at a discreet quay. We are both prepared for a struggle as the meeting could "go sideways" as they say in my native tongue. Our counterparts are already waiting when we arrive.

I have spent considerable time considering how to defuse this particularly difficult situation, as I do not wish to blow my cover. After due reflection I have a set of likely responses that will deflect any unwanted questions and then the scholars come to my rescue and ask the most unreasonable thing - "give up not only my weapons, but my armor as well."

Too perfect really, I wonder if my cover is already blown, but no, they are just being overbearing. I spend a moment in thought and flatly refuse. The leader of the scholars is easily angered. My companion moves to salvage the negotiations that I have sabotaged and to it's credit, it does a fair job, but the damage is done and my cover intact. We depart as we came and once on the water we decide to pursue an alternate faction and hope for a better outcome.

Later that same night, we arrive at a watering hole that we have been told is a contact point for the faction with whom we wish to conduct business. We meet a dubious character who is frightened of us, but hides it well.

(Out of Game - ? / In Game - October 26th, 2016)
Tonight I received a summons to Vienna. To say that I feel trepidation is an understatement, and yet, I feel as though destiny is drawing me inexorably towards a specific challenge.