Talk:Distillation of Life's Essence

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Distillation of Life's Essence

Bruce's Point of View

  • Why call it "Distillation of Life's Essence" when in reality, its "Distillation of Unlife's Essence"?
  • If there are multiple donors, how does the thaumaturge know to have the correct number of dishes ready for separation?
  • While your mathematical proof seems pretty valid, its only an example, as a ghoul could have 10 blood points and just one point of vitae or he could have 4 points of vitae in his system instead. Does the ritual require a mathematical formula to function?
  • It seems to me, if there are multiple donors (slutty little ghoul), then the difficulty of the ritual or the time per casting would go up; an example would be 2 donors = 30 minutes, etc.
  • Why is the level of the ritual 3?
  • And lastly, why can't the ritual derive the identity of the donor? If its powerful enough to separate out multiple donors, it should be able to determine the original identity of the donor or donors.

Some replies -Jamie

  • Why the name? Because I couldn't think of a better one at the time. There's probably a better one waiting to emerge.
  • (I'm making this up as I go...) A complicated alchemecal apparatus has many outputs for different end products. It might be possible to overwhelm it, leaving all "extra" products in a single dross recepticle, but it is unlikely in the case of a ghoul's blood.
  • The math is not necessary: it is simply an aid to the storyteller to determine how much vitae could be extracted from a sample of ghoul blood. Whether or not a full blood point is extracted, there is still at least a little.
  • I'm not sure: It could be that expansion of the time required could be a clue that extra recepticals are needed.
  • I don't have a good answer for this. It seems about right.
  • In a word, Brian. His reasoning is that when a ghoul consumes vitae, the vitae looses the identity of the donor: You can't become bonded to the donor by drinking the ghoul's blood. In general, he was pretty insistent that it is very difficult to determine identity mystically.