Calogero Giovanni

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Sofia-Grad -x- Quebec City -x- Giovanni

Giovanni calogero giovanni.jpg

Appearance: Calogero is a looks like a grizzled old sailor with an extensive collection of tattoos. His hair turned iron gray a longtime ago, his eyes are blue-gray and he still has a deep tan that looks gray unless he has fed recently. His face is wrinkled and wind-burned. He has prominent beak that has been broken many times and lies nearly flat against his face. He has a full beard and mustaches and both his ears are pierced. He has big, callused hands and he is heavily muscled. At home, he often wears simple cotton shirts, with denim pants, suspenders and hand man boots. In public, he wears well tailored suits of tweed and wool, cut in a conservative style. He smokes an ivory pipe and is fond of scented tobaccos and of course his teeth are stained brown from centuries of smoking. His voice is a deep and gravely bass and when he laughs, he sounds like a god of old.

Background: Calogero arrived in 2022 and set up Giovanni operations with the permission of the new Toreador prince. He spend over a decade in the city of Sophia, following the two Ventrue here from Eastern Europe in hopes to settle in a peaceful city.Though he freely admits that he has spent most of his time as a resident of London, he has been remarkably silent on what he did there for the Giovanni.

Personality: Calogero is like somebodies ideal grandfather, he offers advice, tells great stories and usually acts with an old fashioned set of manners.

Current Events: Calogero being a Giovanni, a necromancer and low born member of the Kindred, has become a regular visiter to Quebec City's night society. He is always ready to listen and offer advice. He is interested in business of the mortal population.