Emails To Masood

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Wherein Jason keeps his sire (somewhat) apprised of important happenings on the road of eternity via heavily-encrypted emails in a few different languages

Dresden, October 2031:


Dresden is a city of wonder and war. There are things pleasant and unpleasant approaching, and I feel at this time seeking your counsel is appropriate. As you know, Tina and I are skilled in combat - while we are a match for many of the warrior caste, our humanatis puts this in direct opposition. To wit, I fear for our souls. We have a great purpose ahead of us, which I shall speak to you of in Baghdad, but we cannot fulfill that purpose if we are but a beast in form and name.

Over time, I have heard of systems to restrain ourselves, and I cannot help but wonder if it is right for us to take up a different mantle. That said, the alternate systems that I am most familiar with are repugnant to me, and I wish to know if there are any that are closer in vision to the human morals. I will understand if you counsel against this and would prefer that we retain and improve upon what we already are. Assistance in either direction would be refreshing, as my own eyes are too close to see clearly.

I will tell you more of what I have planned, and I pray you find it pleasing to your ear.
