Consecration of the Sanctum

From The World Is A Vampire
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Level 4.

By painting the borders of a laboratory or workspace with an alchemical mixture of vitae, gold dust and rare herbs, a thaumaturge who knows this ritual can alter the delineated area's geomantic flow of power to favor his own form of magic.

System: Each casting of this ritual enchants an area up to 10 square yards for one month. Multiple castings of Consecration of the Sanctum over the same area only reset the duration to one full month. Within the warded area, the difficulty of all Thaumaturgy rituals decreases by one. Conversely, the ritual adds one to the difficulty of all magic not based on Hermetic principles. This includes the Pillars of non-Hermetic wizards, as well as the paths and rituals of other blood sorcerers. This ritual takes at least one hour to perform.