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Brian's Thaumaturgy Spell Book

Description: Allows clothes and other non-magical accoutrement to change when Path of Transformation is used. All clothing had to be created by Path of Conjuring. The ritual is done on each piece of clothing and they each change. They can only change into similar items. If the person was wearing underwear, socks, pants and a shirt before the change they must be wearing similar items after the change. Pants can change to a skirt but shirt and pants can not become a dress. Socks can't disappear but can change to stockings or hose. Changes occur at the same speed as the use of Path of Transformation.

Origin: Brian O'Reilly

Casting: Each item of clothing must first be conjured with Path of Conjuring. That item of clothing is then taken into a circle with the caster. Nothing else can be in the circle. The caster writes his true name on a piece of ceremonially prepared parchment. The parchment is burned using a purified candle. The ashes are hung over purified burning incense. The ashes are soaked with the item of clothing in purifed water.

System: Caster rolls Int + Rituals, successes equal number of months enchantment will last. All damage to clothing is "fixed" when transformed. For each 10% of the Garment that is destroyed or not recovered the duration on the enchantment loses 1 success (1 month). At the end of the enchantment the clothing will no longer change. This ritual can be used on armor although it counts as its own item(it will resize and fit new form but provide same number of dice protection)

Notes: Simple items of jewelry can be changed and count as a Garment for this ritual. The system for damage is little clunky but it should cost energy to rebuild a bullet hole but the enchantment should not fail for the same bullet hole.