Chain of the Blood Line

From The World Is A Vampire
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Level 8.

This ritual grants the Warlock power over another vampire's extended brood, similar to a limited form of Blood Bond. It takes three nights to cast, and must end on the night of a new moon with the death by diablerie of the Kindred whose brood the caster wishes to control. The subject is completely drained of blood until his life essence is sucked from his body by the caster. In addition to the normal effects of this act of diablerie, the Thaumaturgist learns all of the subject's brood, and all of her brood in turn, down to the last of the bloodline.

When any of these Kindred is encountered, the caster may command him in any way, impelling him to obey. The "enslaved" Kindred may resist this power by making a resisted roll of Wits + Self-Control (difficulty is the caster's Willpower) against the caster's roll of Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty is the victim's Willpower). The difference between successes is the number of hours before the caster can again attempt to command the defender, or the number of hours before the defender can again roll to resist. In the latter case, the number of successes is cumulative, so the caster can easily bend the will of a weak minded Kindred, and can command him for extended periods. In addition, the affected vampire begins to grow fond of the caster; this effect may be resisted with a similar roll, and the same type of roll must be made before the commanded Kindred is able to attack the Warlock.