Lash of Xipe Totec

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Xipe Totec, "Our lord of the Flayed One," is the god of suffering, and many of his rites involve the flaying of the skin from the victim with an obsidian blade. This path allows the nahuatli to control pain itself.

1) Another's Burden:
The Nahualli can lessen the pain of another by taking some or all of his suffering onto herself.

System: The caster touches the subject after shedding a blood point and praying to Xipe Totec. Her successes on her Willpower roll indicate how many dice-pool penalties she can transfer (though she need not absorb the full amount). Thus, if a companion is a Wounded health level (-2 penalty) and the caster achieves two or more successes, she may take a penalty of 1 die (leaving her companion with only a 1 die penalty) or 2 dice (leaving her companion unhindered). This does not transfer actual damage or health levels; merely related penalties. The power lasts for the scene, or until the nahualli chooses to deactivate it. If the subject wishes to resist the power for whatever reason, he may do so with a Willpower roll, difficulty 5; his successes subtract from the caster's own.

2) Obsidian Shattered:
The nahualli may temporarily ignore wound penalties. This does not actually heal any damage; it simply dulls pain. This power may be used on the caster only.

System: the nahualli sheds a blood point and prays to Xipe Totec. The caster may ignore a number of dice penalties equal to his successes. The power lasts for a scene.

3) Burden Another:
The caster may reduce his own pain by inflicting it upon another.

System The caster must touch the subject while shedding a blood point and praying to Xipe Totec. The power may be resisted with a Willpower roll, difficulty 8; successes on this roll subtract from the caster's successes. Her net successes on her casting roll indicate how many dice-pool penalties she can inflict (though she need not inflict the full amount). Thus, if the caster is at the Wounded health level, (-2 penalty) and she achieves two or more successes, she may inflict a penalty of 1 die on her subject (leaving her with only a 1 die penalty) or 2 dice (leaving her completely unhindered). A nahualli may not transfer more pain - or penalties - than she currently suffers. This does not transfer actual damage or health levels; merely penalties and pain. The power lasts for the scene, unless the nahualli chooses to end it early.

4) Obsidian's Edge:
The nahualli may now cause actual damage at a distance. Wounds appear on the target's skin as though an invisible blade is being applied.

System: Obsidian's Edge requires the standard prayers and shedding of blood. The victim may not resist with Willpower, but he may soak the lethal damage. The damage pool equals the caster's Intelligence + net successes on her Willpower roll. This power may target anyone within line of sight.

5) Flay:
A further enhancement to the power of Obsidian's Edge, Flay may be used to cause sever pain and injury to multiple foes at once.

System: Flay requires the caster to pray, shed blood, and make the standard casting roll. The power can target a number of targets in a single turn equal to the caster's Intelligence; it otherwise employs the same mechanics as Obsidian's Edge.