Read the Winds

From The World Is A Vampire
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Discipline Techniques

Animalism 4, Auspex 5

Many animals roam the night, and a vampire with this power has the ability to see through the eyes of them all. With a bit of focus, the vampire sees everything that an animal in the area witnesses. The vampire can also use this power to gain a general impression, from animals' states, about the area or upcoming events like disasters or storms.

System: The player makes a Perception + Animal Ken roll (difficulty 7), and the vampire opens her mind to the animals in the area. Each success increases the area in which the vampire can monitor events, though progressively larger areas observed could overwhelm her with too much information.

Successes Range Detail
Within Earshot
General Impression
About a Mile
Blurry details
A couple of miles
See details
50 miles
See details, hear faintly
100 miles
See and hear clearly

The player must divide his successes between range and details. For example, if a player managed four successes, he could use three to get the range of a couple miles and one to get a general impression (it is raining). He could instead spend three to see details of things within earshot, like whether there is a Lupine in that area. With a singe success, the vampire gets a general impression of the area within earshot. The vampire cannot see things that are Obfuscated or hidden using this power, and may not assign more successes to either range than he his rating in Wits, or details than his rating in Perception.
Gangrel often use this power while interred in the earth.

Experience Cost: 35