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The Matter of the Indian Necklace OH GOD!! Lore: Rakshasa OH GOD!! The Quest for the Cintamani Stone OH GOD!! Uruk Rhaksha

Rakshasa are beings of the Outer Dark. Their goals are usually to feed on mortals, gaining power until they can first bring a mate, then to reproduce. Only the truly foolish allow them to achieve either of these goals.

Rakshasa can change shapes, even changing into the exact copy of anyone they have consumed. Rakshasa have a limited use of the Lore of the Hosts as beings of the Outer Dark. Rakshasa can eat and drink mortal food, though they only get sustenance from eating those they have killed.

When first brought to the mortal plane, their first true form is that of a man tiger. As they gain in power their forms continue to increase in strangeness, evolving multiple arms and weird shaped heads. The tale of Shiva killing a Rakshasa described it as a being with 6 arms, 8 eyes, and a weird octagonal head, all over the striped tiger legs.