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Tzimisce 9, embraced 1777.
Nature: Innovater. Demeanor: Autocrat. Str 3, Dex 3, Sta 4, Cha 3, Man 5, App 0, Per 5, Int 5, Wits 4.
Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 5, Empathy 2, Expression 4, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4.
Animal Ken 5, Drive 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms 3, Melee 4, Performance 4, Crafts 4, Security 4, Stealth 3, Survival 3.
Academics 5, Computer 5, Finance 3, Investigation 3, Law 4, Linguistics 5, Ancient Languages 4, Medicine 5, Occult 4, Politics 3, Science 4, Body Crafts 4.
Backgrounds: Mentor 5 (Krasimir the Twisted), Generation 4, Herd 4, Contacts 6 (correspondence around the world), Resources 4, Retainers 3, Military Force 2, Influence 4 (within Targovishte), Domain 5.
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 5, Dominate 4, Fortitude 4, Celerity 2, Obfuscate 4, Potence 2, Presence 5, Vicissitude 5.
Conviction 4, Self Control 4, Courage 3, Willpower 8.